Excursions in season 2019
Second season in Baloži peat museum railway has been closed. Excursions were held at every last weekend of the month (29.06, 27.07, 31.08, 28.09 and 29.09), as well as in some workdays (31.05, 04.07, 22.08, 11.10).
During these days, excursion trains ran hourly between 11:00 and 17:00, going both to the peat bogs and to the peat factory through all currently repaired section of the railway. The results of the tourism season confirmed the firm interest in our excursions and we will continue in year 2020 starting from May! We will keep you updated in our homepage, Facebook page and in Twitter!
We remind to you, that peat museum railway in Baloži or Pigeon railway, as we call it, is preserved and developed by volunteer efforts, and there is a long way to go before everything will be restored and the railway will be finished! This is the reason why excursions are limited to few days per year - in the mean time we are repairing rolling stock and railway tracks, to make a safe and enjoyable yourney to you! See more under Visiting/volunteering on Pigeon railway and News and achievements!